Start by grabbing the three jumper cable wires.
Plug in each wire to the three different prongs of the AM2302/DHT22 sensor
1: Ground (GND) [BLACK]
2: 5v power (VCC) [RED]
3: pin 2 (DAT) [GREEN]
This is the same thing as the previous slide, but the cables are shown plugged in
Grab your laptop, Arduino, and an USB 2.0 A-Male to B-Male Cable
Plug the USB A end to the laptop
Plug the USB B end into the Arduino Uno
I did use a breadboard here but it is unnecessary as there are no resistors used. You can do either.
Download the Arduino IDE if you have not already: https://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/Software
Once downloaded, open up the application and continue to the next section
Here is some source code that runs basic processes to see if the hardware works
GitHub link: https://github.com/BrandeisMakerLab/Ardu...
Make sure that you select the correct board and port (under the tools section)
Verify and Upload the code to the Arduino
Click the magnifying glass on the top right corner to access the Serial Monitor.
Congratulations! you have successfully used the AM2302/DHT22 sensor, go have fun!
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