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  1. Start by grabbing the three jumper cable wires.
    • Start by grabbing the three jumper cable wires.

    • Plug in each wire to the three different prongs of the AM2302/DHT22 sensor

    • 1: Ground (GND) [BLACK]

    • 2: 5v power (VCC) [RED]

    • 3: pin 2 (DAT) [GREEN]

  2. This is the same thing as the previous slide, but the cables are shown plugged in
    • This is the same thing as the previous slide, but the cables are shown plugged in

  3. Grab your laptop, Arduino, and an USB 2.0 A-Male to B-Male Cable
    • Grab your laptop, Arduino, and an USB 2.0 A-Male to B-Male Cable

    • Plug the USB A end to the laptop

    • Plug the USB B end into the Arduino Uno

    • I did use a breadboard here but it is unnecessary as there are no resistors used. You can do either.

  4. Download the Arduino IDE if you have not already:
  5. Here is some source code that runs basic processes to see if the hardware works
    • Here is some source code that runs basic processes to see if the hardware works

    • GitHub link:

    • Make sure that you select the correct board and port (under the tools section)

    • Verify and Upload the code to the Arduino

  6. Click the magnifying glass on the top right corner to access the Serial Monitor.
    • Click the magnifying glass on the top right corner to access the Serial Monitor.

  7. Congratulations! you have successfully used the AM2302/DHT22 sensor, go have fun!
    • Congratulations! you have successfully used the AM2302/DHT22 sensor, go have fun!

Finish Line

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Daniel Lay

Member since: 05/16/2018

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5 Guides authored


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