No parts specified.
Click the button on the battery pack. There should be a green light should start shining
Make sure that the button of the usb cable is pressed
The lights on the pi should turn on (red and yellow)
Type: ssh pi@[ip address]
In the brakets, type in the ip address for YOUR raspberry pi.
For us:
Type: [password]
When it prompts you for your password, type in the password you gave the pi.
For us: donkeycar
Stock password: raspberry
Nothing will show up when typing your password. This is a security feature.
We are going into the virtual machine of the raspberry pi
Type: source ~/env/bin/activate
You know you are in the correct environment if the cmd displays:(env) pi@donkeycar:
Type: python drive
There should be a lot of lines that come after that. This is a lot of information that the car is doing to prepare for driving
In a browser: (Phone or computer)
Type: [ip address]:8887/drive
For us:
Whenever you drive the car, you are adding data to the tub. So if you are planning to train the car, DO NOT drive the car away from the track.