Here, we will attack the deviously difficult task of uploading files to GitHub without the treachery of a command line.
No parts specified.
Assuming that your account has not yet been created, you must create an account to upload files to GitHub
This is a straight-forward process of entering your name, email and password.
Request Access from Tim:
Include your name with your username so Tim can add you to the team
For this example, we will be adding a new repository to the Brandeis MakerLab GitHub
We need to start by clicking the green NEW Button (circled in red)
Fill out the form as you would with any other
Provide a information revealing name of your project, as well as a description of what the code is for
Create a README file that describes what the project is about (This is NECESSARY if you want to add any sort of code or other files into GitHub)
Click the GREEN create repository button to proceed
Congratulations! You have successfully created a project within the Brandeis GitHub page. Now, we need to proceed with adding files to that project
We need to start by clicking the upload file button circled in red
NOTE: if the page DOES NOT look like this when you created you repository, you must create a README file
We are almost there, drag and drop the intended file onto the web browser OR click the choose you folder(circled in RED)
After the file has been uploaded, you should see it appear below the box (in GREEN)
After you are finished, click on the COMMIT CHANGES button at the bottom of the web page
Note: You can upload multiple files at once to the GitHub project, but these files must be UNDER 25 mb. If they are not, you must use a command line.
Your file should appear below the READ ME file.
CONGRATULATIONS! You have successfully added a project with files to the Brandeis GitHub!
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