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  1. If your project isn't functioning despite having no wiring flaws your wires may be faulty.
    • If your project isn't functioning despite having no wiring flaws your wires may be faulty.

    • In order to check whether your wires are functioning, grab a multimeter and the suspected wires.

  2. Grab your multimeter and switch it two dials to the left.
    • Grab your multimeter and switch it two dials to the left.

    • Then click the select button.

    • Now you're ready to go!

  3. Touch each end of multimeter cords to the metal ends of the wire.
    • Touch each end of multimeter cords to the metal ends of the wire.

    • If the multimeter beeps then the wire is functioning normally and current can flow through it.

    • If there is no beep, then the wire is faulty and should be thrown away.

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Aiden Kunkler-Peck

Member since: 07/05/2018

229 Reputation

4 Guides authored


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